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Stop Making These Common Breathing Mistakes During Peri/Menopause

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Stop Making These Common Breathing Mistakes During Peri/Menopause

Are you battling frustrating symptoms like sleepless nights, low energy, or those relentless hot flashes during perimenopause or menopause?

 You're not alone—and the answer to easing these struggles may be right under your nose. Literally.

Ever wonder if the way you breathe could be making your symptoms worse?

You may have heard different experts recommend various deep breathing techniques, but what if some common mistakes are secretly hindering you instead of helping?

In this post, we’ll break down the top three breathing mistakes women make during perimenopause and menopause, and how these habits might be intensifying everything from brain fog and mood swings to low energy.

I’m Miyako Hazama, a Japan-based menopause Ki-energy expert.

I help high-performing women over 40 reclaim their vitality naturally and thrive in their prime years with a little-known Japanese fountain of inner youth. 

For over 30 years, I’ve practiced and taught a unique way of deep breathing rooted in ancient Asian philosophies, passed down to me by my mentor, a renowned Japanese Ki-expert. 

I’ve refined these techniques, blending them with the latest science and my own experiences to help women like you navigate perimenopause and menopause with remarkable transformations in energy, sleep, and overall well-being.

Today’s topic is one of the most common questions I get.
Ready to take control of how you're feeling? Let’s start by getting your breathing on the right track.

Why Deep Breathing Matters During Perimenopause and Menopause

We breathe about 20,000 times a day without thinking. But what if every breath you took could either help or harm your body? 

Correcting how you breathe can not only reduce menopause symptoms like sleeplessness and fatigue but also enhance your overall sense of well-being.

Feeling calm, clear, and vibrant as you move through your day? That can happen—and it starts with how you breathe.

Imagine yourself like a high-performing athlete who uses breathing to get into their "flow state"—that moment when everything syncs up and performance comes effortlessly. 

By mastering the right kind of breathing, you can tap into a version of that. 

Whether you're leading a business, managing a busy household, or navigating your career, consistently good breathing can be your secret source of vitality.

But only if you’re doing it correctly. There are three key mistakes about breathing you can avoid for a smoother menopause journey.

Common Breathing Mistake #1: Mouth Breathing

This seemingly small habit can have a huge impact on your health, especially if you’re already navigating menopause challenges.

Many women don’t even realize they’re mouth breathers, especially at night, but it’s more common than you think.

Mouth breathing, particularly while you sleep, leads to all kinds of issues.

Are you waking up with a dry mouth or feeling more exhausted than when you went to bed? 

These are red flags. Mouth breathing reduces the amount of oxygen your body gets, which can intensify symptoms of tiredness, brain fog, and even hot flashes.

Why is this a big issue for women experiencing menopause?

Your nose comes equipped with filters that block harmful particles in the air and produce nitric oxide, an essential compound for absorbing oxygen effectively. 

When you breathe through your mouth, you miss out on these benefits, including the natural immune-boosting effects.

How can you tell if you’re a mouth breather?

Here’s a little test: Try keeping your lips shut tight for around 60 seconds. 

If you feel an urge to open your mouth to breathe, or if it feels difficult, your breathing habits might need adjusting.

Shifting to nasal breathing alone will improve your quality of sleep, cognitive clarity, and energy levels—three things every woman in menopause needs to thrive.

Common Breathing Mistake #2: Shallow Breathing

It’s almost automatic—when stress strikes, our breathing becomes short and shallow.

Most people aren’t even aware they’re breathing like this for much of the day. 

You may be practicing deep breathing during exercise or relaxation time, but what about those moments when life gets chaotic?

Think about the last time you were working against a deadline or juggling a million tasks. 

Chances are, you were holding your breath without realizing it. 

This low oxygen intake creates a domino effect: low energy, headaches, brain fog, and increased anxiety.

Shallow breathing doesn’t fill your lungs adequately, starving your brain of the oxygen it needs to keep you awake, productive, and calm. 

And during peri/menopause, when your body is already under stress, the last thing you want is to make it worse.

How do you know if you’re breathing shallowly?

Here’s a quick self-check: Rest one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. 

If your chest rises more than your abdomen when you take a breath, you’re probably breathing shallowly.

Simple fix? Breathe in deeply while making sure your belly rises with each breath to fully fill your lungs.

Switching to deeper, intentional breathing can instantly reduce stress and tension—helping ease frustrating menopause symptoms like brain fog and low energy.

Common Breathing Mistake #3: Overthinking the Technique

We all want to get things right, especially when it comes to something as important as our health. 

But sometimes, focusing too much on perfecting every little thing is where we go wrong.

Many women fall into the trap of counting breaths or timing each inhale and exhale. 

I’ve worked with clients who stressed about getting the exact number of seconds right, and before they knew it, their deep breathing practice became another source of anxiety.

When you overthink breathing, you trigger the opposite response of what you’re trying to achieve. Instead of relaxing, your body tightens. 

Breathing should feel fluid, not forced.

How do you know if you’re overthinking it?

Are you constantly counting or trying to nail the technique perfectly? If so, let go of the urge to control it all.

Close your eyes for a moment and just breathe naturally without measuring anything. Feel how your body relaxes when it’s given permission to just be.

Your goal is to find the breathing pace that fits you, not one dictated by the latest breathing trend.

Reconnect With Your Natural Rhythm for a Better Peri/Menopause Experience

Perimenopause and menopause are challenging, but it doesn’t have to feel like a battle every day. 

Simply correcting these three common mistakes—mouth breathing, shallow breathing, and overthinking—will help ease your symptoms and reconnect your body’s natural rhythm. 

You’ll feel a little closer to who you used to be, with more vitality and peace, even if just a little bit each day.

The key is to create flow and shift your body and mind toward feeling like yourself again—just 1% a day.

Take a moment today to assess how you’re breathing and start using each breath for your benefit.

And if you found these tips helpful, I’d love to hear from you! 

For a deeper dive into how to practice this properly, don’t miss my upcoming video where I reveal more about whole-body breathing and how it can help you reclaim your energy and ease your symptoms.

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